2010 Best In Class Social Media Award

Sherman Health takes advantage of numerous social media outlets in order to increase interactions with its patients, employees, and the community. The combination of these social medias creates an extensive reach throughout the community and allows Sherman Health to be easily accessible by more than just telephone and e-mail.


The Sherman Health Facebook Page is a source of interaction and one-on-one communication for community members and fans of Sherman. In just one year (Aug. 09-Aug 10) the Sherman Fan Page has gained over 400 new fans. (144 in Aug. 09 and 551 Aug. 10). The fan page has received over 1,000 total interactions within this year. The amount of page views in the past year has almost reached 30,000 and has steadily increased from month to month. There have been over 3,500 photo views, and 362 video plays. The Facebook page aims to serve as an additional medium for communication and not just a forum for pushing out information. It serves as place where patients, doctors, employees, and community members can voice their opinions. Interacting through  the Facebook chat application is not uncommon either. If available an administrator of the Sherman page will respond to any questions or concerns from users on Facebook chat. The Sherman Health Facebook Fan Page can be viewed here.


The Sherman Health Twitter account is an ever-expanding presence in the Twitter world. The account now has over 4,000 followers and follows over 3,000 tweeters. The account is a source for breaking medical news, local news, community happenings, and news about the hospital. The Sherman Twitter page has had steady growth throughout the year and the tweets have been received extremely well totaling almost 3,000 clicks. Another key function of the Twitter page is to interact with followers. Sherman Health responds to any questions and mentions that are submitted via twitter. The Sherman Health Twitter page can be viewed here.


The Sherman YouTube channel serves as a portal for viewers to visually see what the hospital has to offer. The most popular video is “daVinci Surgical System” with 4,000 views this year. All of Sherman Health’s uploaded videos have received close to 9,000 views in the past year. Each month Sherman’s YouTube channel posts a new playlist with a theme that usually corresponds with a monthly health observance. The Sherman YouTube Channel can be found by clicking here.


A particularly strong aspect of Sherman’s Social Media, is its use of blogs. Sherman Health has multiple blogs, which cater to different topics. The Sherman Health’s blogs have received close to 40,000 page views in the past year. Some individual blog posts have received 1,000 page views, and many others have come close. The blogs are a way to provide in-depth information to Sherman’s audience whether the topic is about a major health issue, or a pleasant testimonial the hospital received. Sherman’s main blog can be found by clicking here.