With the power of online search engines such as Google and Yahoo/Bing, it’s not uncommon for consumers to browse for a product or service without leaving the comfort of their home. While PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is a great tool to help increase traffic to your website, what happens when visitors leave your site without signing up for the e-list, making an appointment, or answering another call to action?
One word: Remarketing. Your visibility doesn’t have to end when visitors leave your website. It will not only help you stay engaged with your target audience, but it will keep your product or service top of mind when they’re ready to buy.
Highland Woods, a Crown Community in Elgin, IL, is one of the best selling communities in Chicago’s northwest suburbs. In an effort to help Highland Woods remain a best selling community, we took their online visibility a step further with remarketing.
Click over to dcinteractivegroup.com to read the full case study.