Is it nearly impossible for you to go a couple hours without checking Facebook? Do you check Twitter on your phone before you get out of bed? You’re not alone.
In a recent article on, 1,000 were people surveyed by Retrevo, Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA) in order to grasp the hold social media currently has. Some of the numbers:
“18 percent of those under 25, and 11 percent over 25, said they can’t stay away from Facebook for more than a couple of hours without checking.
And 61 percent under 25, and 55 percent over 25, check Facebook at least once daily.
Also, 28 percent of iPhone owners check or update Twitter before they get out of bed in the morning. And 26 percent check or tweet before they turn on their TV. That leads to the 23 percent who rely on Twitter for their morning news.”
Click here for the full SF Gate article.
How often are you using social media? Whether you work in the industry or not, it’s important to remember that it’s good to unplug every once in a while.