Everyone knows where babies come from — hospitals. Well, at least those that can wait!
But few hospital websites have fun with what is the most beautiful time in a future parent’s life. So next time your hospital is going to run an ad campaign for expectant mothers, think about sending them to a page in your site that will encourage them to come back often. One way to do that is with “pregnancy tracking” software or widgets. Below is a perfect example. If you embed this into a specific page on your site that encourages the sign up and gives more information about your service, you’ll be building a market base of names with whom you can communicate, plus you’ll likely draw more people back to your site to track a loved one’s pregnancy.
Here’s the widget. It’s embedded here in a blog, which you can also do. Or simply put it in your site:
Here’s a live one for a friend of mine to show you how it works:
More about babies and free baby samples
Such a neat idea! When my sister was pregnant with my nephew, she signed up for some “baby emails” that told you how the baby was developing each week. Those were fun, but this widget is even more specific which is great! I also like that the Auntie’s can use the widget too!
The health care industry is becoming more in tune with internet marketing as they are able to build this follower base of expectant mothers, families and friends of the mother. Women are not going to stop having babies so this presents a huge opportunity for hospitals. Social marketing is a great platform for users to talk about their experiences with the widget and influence others to use it!
This is awesome! My sister-in-law is pregnant, and she’s always checking up on what’s going on with her baby. This is an excellent idea for all healthcare marketing, as I’m sure if she had it through her hospital she’d check back all the time.
What a great idea! anything helps to make things easier to track. I wish my hospital’s website had something like this!
I found your blog on Google. I’ve bookmarked it and will watch out for your next blog post.