We hold technology meetings every month to talk about new interesting things we’ve found that will help us work more effectively and efficiently. Here’s a quick summary of what we talked about in this month’s meeting. Tell us what we missed!
- locafollow.com – Good for finding new people to follow in certain locations or industries on Twitter. Search Twitter users by full name, username, keywords, and location. Shows all the Twitter user details in a compact view without any need of “more info” buttons. Shows the last tweet of the Twitter users. Allows bulk follow. You can create Twitter Lists using the LocaFollow search results.
- leapfish.com – Provides a single, connected, multi-media experience for both searching and sharing traditional and real-time content, to make the new web easier, more integrated and efficient.
- twtqpon.com – Create Twitter coupons
- twtaway.com – A contest manager tool that lets people join your contests via Twitter and we randomly select a winner on a specific date.
- 16 Bitchin’ Commands and Shortcuts for Twitter
- addthis.com – Create social media sharing buttons quickly with tracking ability for eblasts, blogs, sites and more.
- tweepsearch.com – Search Twitter profiles by keywords in bio and location. Useful to help determine quality of your followers.